
A little goes a long way in Nepal

Your tax deductible donation

100% of your donation makes its way to us, thanks to ANZ, Visa and Mastercard who charge absolutely no fees for the use of the Shout donations portal.

Please give a regular monthly donation if you can: it means we can offer long term stability to a child at school, a teacher or a healthcare worker, for example.

Learn more about how you can support a child's education for as little as $50 per month.

Donations of over $2 are tax deductible for Australian Residents and we will issue you with a DGR (Deductible Gift Recipient) status receipt.

HDFA operates it's own Public Overseas Aid Fund, which is endorsed by The Austrlian Government via DFAT and Treasury.


Q/ How much is the minimum?
A/ There is no minimum amount, just give what you feel comfortable, be that the cost of a coffee per week, or month it's up to you and every donation matters.

Q/ How much does it cost to support a child in a remote village to attend school, like the Ghunsa School in the Kanchenjunga region?
A/ For a primary school age child the costs equate to around A$50 per month or $1.66 per day for hostel place, food, education improvement at the Ghunsa school

Q/ How much does each health post consultation cost including medication?
A/ We are able to deliver this for about $4 per visit including the medication(s).

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