HDFA Newsletter #3 | September 2015
Sep 03, 2015
Visiting Kathmandu three months after the earthquake by Duncan Chessell
The plane circles the runway for an extra 30 minutes as a mild 5.1 scale tremor occurs just prior to touch down – the runway has to be inspected prior to landing. As the wheels touch down, the runway sounds rougher – probably due to minor cracks under the weight of the large emergency relief cargo planes. Or more likely I am just imagining it.
Driving through the suburbs at night I can’t help but think how normal everything looks: electricity on, houses quiet and by the look of it buildings and dwellings all standing. The next day I spend the day in the Kathmandu valley walking and riding around to get a feel for what the earthquake has affected. I am quite surprised at lack of obvious damage in the majority of the city and can’t help but think the damage could have been much, much worse. The tourist centre, Thamel is operating as normal.
The 3-4-5 storey buildings of reinforced concrete slab and pillars that have overgrown the city and swallowed up the vegetable gardens and crops of the Kathmandu valley over the last 20 years seem to have withstood the earthquakes' assaults. The larger, heavier houses with that extra 4th story and heavy-looking walls often show buckling and cracking on the lower pillars as it’s fairly common to add one more layer than the design. The lighter 2.5 storey high houses have mostly escaped unscathed.
As I travel around the city there are pockets of extreme damage…
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Ghunsa School and Hostel Rebuild Complete
We are very excited to announce that an important part of our development plan for Eastern Nepal is now complete. Having worked with the local community for almost two years on what they wanted in their village for the students, we are happy that the kids have returned after their break to a rebuilt school.
Following HDFA Board Member, Andrew Stace’s time in Ghunsa in April, local builders from the valley were employed to rebuild and redesign the school and hostel to be much more student friendly.
The improvements include strengthening the building against further earthquake damage, sealing the walls and roof, opening the buildings up to more natural light and providing much better living arrangements for the students who live at the school. Importantly, we also added individual male and female bathrooms which was very much needed and will allow for further expansion if the need arises.
Reports from Ghunsa are that the students and the teachers are very happy with the results and are loving learning and living in their new environment! We are very proud of the work that we have done with the local community on this project and would like to extend a huge thank you to those of you who donated to HDFA to make this project happen.

We still have many more projects to complete in Eastern Nepal and our continued support of the region is very important for helping the communities to a brighter, more sustainable future. If you would like to donate, volunteer or find out more, please check out our website or drop us a line to info@hdfa.org.
Business Beyond the Earthquake Trek
Did you know that you can work on your business, improve your fitness, travel to Nepal, trek beautiful hills below the Everest range (and learn tips of the high altitude trade), become part of a subsistence farming buddhist community, and hear Everest stories from the first Australian woman to climb it, while fundraising for HDFA, all at the same time!
Join Jillian Hamilton (business consultant extraordinaire) and Brigitte Muir OAM (first Australian to climb the seven summits) on a 12 day adventure that will boost your work, and life... in a safe, friendly environment.
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HDFA Annual General Meeting | Thursday 24th September
Thursday 24th September is our AGM. The HDFA Board Members and subcommittee members are looking for some new recruits who can contribute to the group. Who: people who are interested in engaging in discussions in what we do, how we do it and why we do it; as well as people who have the ability to make it happen.
If you are interested in attending this meeting and or nominating for the Himalayan Development Foundation Board (or one of our subcommittees) please contact our office on info@hdfa.org to discuss further details and opportunities.
Meeting details:
Time: 5.30pm
Day: Thursday
Date: 24th September
Venue: Endeavour Discoveries board room
Address: 537 Magill Road, Magill SA 5072

To help us in rebuilding 10 villages in Nepal, please join us for a FUNDRAISING DINNER on Thursday 17th September in Canberra. The Hungry Buddha, Curtin will serve us a Nepali Banquet Menu including wine, soft drinks and Nepalese tea. Cost | $80 per person, including wine
Book now | Limited spaces!
For more information visit our website
Child Sponsorship
We are seeking monthly sponsorship for a further 15 students in the Ghunsa School, act now and setup a monthly donation of $38 and make a real difference to a child’s educational outcomes.
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